Formed in 2011 initially as a way for a few friends to kill time and keep out of the doldrums. From there it was all downhill the band played various shows across the south of England with a sound that made sure the hotel room TV was out the window as well as the bed, dressing gown and complimentary soap. Releasing their first EP in 2013, they’ve since changed up on the both guitarists ushering in an altogether meaner turn in the bands sound. Drawing their influences through the blurry lens of a bottle of black label they produced a sound that is part Stooges but a bit more stupid, it’s Black Flag reading from the funnies, Lux Interior shoved down the throat of Axl Rose. Frank Black being shouted down by Whitehouse all with stacked amplifiers pissing fire! Its 60s garage played by a bunch of guys who grew up on the hardcore of the 80s. Get this band a drink.

Billy Whiteman
Blonde Lemon Jefferson
Lightning Mandy
Professor Gongs

kllrgold at gmail dot com



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